Weather BEAUTIFUL!! Friends everywhere, and I saw art; Smack Mellon, Culture; Favela Rising @ Bam Cinemas, Fireworks (boo Macy's, y'mean ya couldn't stick one barge of fireworks in the East River, really?!?) found that Pratt Campus is indeed temporarily closed (even to alumni) and saw more BMXers Skaters, AfroPunk rockers, plus the subsequent teenaged girls who love them, than you could grind a board to.
What I missed: 1st Sat @ Bklyn Museum, The Nathan's Coney Island Hotdog eating contest, the Park Delicatessen Skate Jam,The Int'l African Street Fair.
Here's some more pics, hope your weekend continues greatly, I have a roasted corn and Corona to finish at a bar near you (Brooklyn). Peace!!

(photos by B'klynBorn©2009)
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