8 hours ago
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
PhotoWednesday - New Condo on the Block Edition
I feel like singing "You Are Not Alone..." for the new condo rising across from the Forte in Fort Greene
Monday, November 5, 2012
New York Keeps Running and that's a good thing.
(Wrote this on Friday 11/ 2, had some technical issues preventing me from publishing (nothing tragic) but I stand by this even and especially in light of the type of criticism the Marathon received and it's cancellation)
Friday, Nov 2nd:
Cancelling the Marathon doesn't remove water from people's homes, lift trees off of houses and cars, repair roofs, return electricity to the hundreds of thousands without it. Deliver vital medicine to those with chronic illness or sadly raise the dead. Beat cops do not conduct disaster relief missions. Currently relief efforts are underway it's a shame that they were not there sooner, just as its
Friday, Nov 2nd:
Cancelling the Marathon doesn't remove water from people's homes, lift trees off of houses and cars, repair roofs, return electricity to the hundreds of thousands without it. Deliver vital medicine to those with chronic illness or sadly raise the dead. Beat cops do not conduct disaster relief missions. Currently relief efforts are underway it's a shame that they were not there sooner, just as its
equally a shame that people who
didn't take two days of evacuation orders and open shelters and near by
higher ground were not willing or able to use them. Should evacuation
failures be investigated and improved, definitely. Cancelling the
Marathon doesn't do that. Should available resources from the marathon
go to survivors I think so, should the proceeds of the marathon go to
survivors, i think a chunk should at least.
Should people get booted from hotels for marathoners? Hell no! Give the runners trailers or something, they're only here for a few hours, but does cancelling an event that arguably focuses the city and to a degree the nation's focus on New York at a time when many New Yorkers need all the attention and assistance they can get, improve conditions for hurricane survivors? I don't think so.
Should people get booted from hotels for marathoners? Hell no! Give the runners trailers or something, they're only here for a few hours, but does cancelling an event that arguably focuses the city and to a degree the nation's focus on New York at a time when many New Yorkers need all the attention and assistance they can get, improve conditions for hurricane survivors? I don't think so.
The Marathon should be used to increase
attention and aid to people in need, so regular people who've focused
their lives on this event can be given the opportunity to run for
something bigger than personal achievement. Let's make that happen. The
Marathon has run through Harlem, Spanish Harlem & the South Bronx
for 40 years and in that time child mortality rates in those areas have
rivaled 3rd world nations. Economic, educational and environmental
suffering has existed in those marathon run through neighborhoods for
years as well. Yet there's never been a huge outcry that the marathon is
being run while people suffer. Quitting the marathon doesn't
miraculously fix things.
When we fall we get up. When people fall we think it's right to give compassion and we hope that compassion will be there if we ever need. I think people should be helped when they fall. all people. but when we fall we don't make progress but asking the people standing to lay down.
My two cents.
When we fall we get up. When people fall we think it's right to give compassion and we hope that compassion will be there if we ever need. I think people should be helped when they fall. all people. but when we fall we don't make progress but asking the people standing to lay down.
My two cents.
(As I was writing this word came in that the Marathon would be cancelled, the following then came to mind)
I blame Bloomberg but not for a failed response to the Hurricane. Personally I think people need to go back and look at the days preceding that terrible storm and look at what and how Bloomberg did to prepare New Yorkers of the disaster to come. There were two days of warnings that people in the flood zone (Evacuation Zone A) were in danger and needed to leave to be safe.
Shelters were opened. Evacuation instructions were given. Warnings were made.
So what do I blame Bloomberg for? His style of leader ship for more than a decade, which in and of itself is part of the problem. He broke the rules, bending them from illegal to legal for his own desire, and said it was for our betterment. He's made dozens of changes to our city, often against public opinion and ignored most grievances saying essentially it's for our betterment.
I blame Bloomberg for squandering his clout and the goodwill of New Yorkers such that anything he does is now likely to be greeted with scorn. A Mayor, a leader, who engendered good will of his constituents could have presented an event like the Marathon as a way for New Yorkers and the world (by way of the international cast of competitors) to give to the hurricane survivors.
As of last weekend most people in outside of Staten Island wouldn't know where or how
to get to Staten Island right after the disaster, or who to help. People didn't know
how to reach out and some New Yorkers didn't have a direct connection to the tragedy in Staten Island, Breezy Point, Rockaway and the Lower East Side but you know what
does reach Millions of New Yorkers? The
marathon, which is why i feel it could'a
been and could still be a way for people to help.
On the street level it
almost all volunteers, runners could have been designated as
representatives for stricken communities. rest stops could have been set
up as donation points, the proceeds or at least a sizable chunk could
have been donated to the disaster relief.
The NFL continued with the Giant's game in New Jersey less than 20 miles from the destruction zones. They used the game to honor 1st responders, donate to the survivors and encourage more donations and awareness.
A better leader who would have been able to show and connect us to the ties that bind us as people and New Yorkers instead of stubbornly plowing ahead as our communities frayed.
Breezy Point,
Hurricane Sandy,
Lower East Side,
NYC Marathon,
Staten Island,
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sandy Aftermath, Sights Seen
Yesterday I took the bike into Lower Manhattan for a look around. Flooding aside with the power out there were no subways rumbling, no red lights for people to ignore or linger of front of which meant no horns blasted in disgust. Granted there was vehicular movement, but it had the ebb and flow more in common with country intersections than city speedways (although the cab's did all seem powered by Red Bull). Here's a lot more of my musing from the trip:
The food in most of the small biz food spots, diners etc was being eaten by the staff as they sat in front of the establishments.
People have realized you electric outlets are everywhere, saw people sitting on the floor at the bank charging laptops and phones
I was busy standing almost in the street taking photos of a flooded tunnel when I noticed a city bus creeping up on me. I quickly got out of the way and walked passed, only to realize the bus driver was taking pictures of the same thing.
Homeland steaks started cooking their entire inventory on the street at 9th ave btw 15th & 14th streets. smoke billowed a line formed (most people not exactly sure for what) and smiles floated through over the sidewalk along with the scent of marinated steak grilled to perfection. Then the police showed. Their window rolled down and a steak was offered to them as to the other New Yorkers and soon they were on their way. It was the kind of classic New York scene you only find in memory or a movie like Ghostbusters. Steak was delicious by the way, I'll have to go their for dinner when the world is a little less upside down.
(as mentioned) It's weird how quiet manhattan is if you just take away the subway and red lights. seriously I heard almost no horns. because no one was reminding someone to go through the green light. drivers for the most part have to look to see whether they can drive. much more attentive that way.
had this thought,"The Street Lights have fallen!! Give over your allegiance to our new lord and road masters the taxi!!"
Cabbies were speed demons.
Streets were nearly to totally empty. If ever you wanted to film a dystopic future set movie or that zombie apocalypse that everyone is so found of, now's the time. early morning especially.
I had a "I Am Legend" moment as I approached a barricade at the South Street Seaport not far from the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. The moment got more surreal when suddenly two blackhawk helicopters appeared and landedgreated by reporters and troops. I don't know what that was about.
I only saw three people who looked hilariously stereotypically shady to me. I mean pick any movie with a criminal and these three dudes (of diverse backgrounds but essentially the same grimy gear) fit the mold. the were trying doors at an office building.
Someone mentioned cab drivers would rack up because of the lack of transportation. I disagree. Cab driving in this situation is risky because most fares looked packed to get the hell out of dodge. If that happened the cabbie would spend way to much time on one-way fares.
Who was racking up? Food cart dudes. Matter of fact if you know anyone with a coffee truck, send them to astor place stat. (Gothamist posted a story about this later)
North of 30th Street no one seems care, they aint waiting, they aint worried.
Having a bike is gonna be so awesome when the electromagnetic pulses start.
The food in most of the small biz food spots, diners etc was being eaten by the staff as they sat in front of the establishments.
People have realized you electric outlets are everywhere, saw people sitting on the floor at the bank charging laptops and phones
I was busy standing almost in the street taking photos of a flooded tunnel when I noticed a city bus creeping up on me. I quickly got out of the way and walked passed, only to realize the bus driver was taking pictures of the same thing.
Homeland steaks started cooking their entire inventory on the street at 9th ave btw 15th & 14th streets. smoke billowed a line formed (most people not exactly sure for what) and smiles floated through over the sidewalk along with the scent of marinated steak grilled to perfection. Then the police showed. Their window rolled down and a steak was offered to them as to the other New Yorkers and soon they were on their way. It was the kind of classic New York scene you only find in memory or a movie like Ghostbusters. Steak was delicious by the way, I'll have to go their for dinner when the world is a little less upside down.
(as mentioned) It's weird how quiet manhattan is if you just take away the subway and red lights. seriously I heard almost no horns. because no one was reminding someone to go through the green light. drivers for the most part have to look to see whether they can drive. much more attentive that way.
had this thought,"The Street Lights have fallen!! Give over your allegiance to our new lord and road masters the taxi!!"
Cabbies were speed demons.
Streets were nearly to totally empty. If ever you wanted to film a dystopic future set movie or that zombie apocalypse that everyone is so found of, now's the time. early morning especially.
I had a "I Am Legend" moment as I approached a barricade at the South Street Seaport not far from the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. The moment got more surreal when suddenly two blackhawk helicopters appeared and landedgreated by reporters and troops. I don't know what that was about.
I only saw three people who looked hilariously stereotypically shady to me. I mean pick any movie with a criminal and these three dudes (of diverse backgrounds but essentially the same grimy gear) fit the mold. the were trying doors at an office building.
Someone mentioned cab drivers would rack up because of the lack of transportation. I disagree. Cab driving in this situation is risky because most fares looked packed to get the hell out of dodge. If that happened the cabbie would spend way to much time on one-way fares.
Who was racking up? Food cart dudes. Matter of fact if you know anyone with a coffee truck, send them to astor place stat. (Gothamist posted a story about this later)
North of 30th Street no one seems care, they aint waiting, they aint worried.
Having a bike is gonna be so awesome when the electromagnetic pulses start.
Financial District,
Hurricane Sandy,
Meat Packing District,
New Yorkers,
Outsidah Brooklyn,
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Con Ed's storm plan went out with a bang. (Yesterday's planning won't stop tomorrow's storms)
Technically speaking, this time, you can't fault Con Ed.
The electrical utility planned for Hurricane Sandy and the storm surge of water it would cause. They preemptively cut power to areas of the city whose power lines were likely to be flooded (as detailed in this article from Bloomberg Businessweek News) and they had previous experience with extreme storms most recently last year's Hurricane Irene which cause a 9.5 foot increase in the water level near the substation. The utility was prepared to stop a storm surge of 12 feet reasonable thinking when considering that since 1821 the highest storm surge had been 12.5 feet.
But we clearly live in a climate changed world. What was isn't what's likely to be. The storm surge on Monday night rose to 14 feet.
When flood waters (not very deep once it crested and flooded through the streets, but deep enough) made it through the grates and into the 14th Street Con Ed Sub-Station that's when all the planning went down the drain.
The Bloomberg article said it best,
I hope the Governor's remarks about updating New York City's ability to withstand the climate we live in today and tomorrow is sincere. And most important that we the people get why we need to pay up to improve and prevent the situations.
Btw if you haven't seen it here comes the boom(starting from 22 seconds in), from the 14th Street Con Ed Sub-Station:
If you want to know why shutting power down is the best bet and why electrical power stations go boom when exposed to salt water (and you couldn't be bothered to read the linked article, here's your crib-note from the same article)
The electrical utility planned for Hurricane Sandy and the storm surge of water it would cause. They preemptively cut power to areas of the city whose power lines were likely to be flooded (as detailed in this article from Bloomberg Businessweek News) and they had previous experience with extreme storms most recently last year's Hurricane Irene which cause a 9.5 foot increase in the water level near the substation. The utility was prepared to stop a storm surge of 12 feet reasonable thinking when considering that since 1821 the highest storm surge had been 12.5 feet.
But we clearly live in a climate changed world. What was isn't what's likely to be. The storm surge on Monday night rose to 14 feet.
When flood waters (not very deep once it crested and flooded through the streets, but deep enough) made it through the grates and into the 14th Street Con Ed Sub-Station that's when all the planning went down the drain.
The Bloomberg article said it best,
"It's like what happened at the Fukushima nuclear complex in Japan last year — without the radiation."As you should expect as a reader of this blog, I have a personal story about that sub-station; a relative worked there back in the day and took me by once when he had to drop off some gear. I won't wax on as I usually do, although there is a great story about cats and birds to be told, the point is there is an unbelievable amount of infrastructure on that site. Volatile vital energy infrastructure. That we need to live on in this city. Ask anybody who lives on a respirator or the much less inconvenienced but still frustrated people hanging on street corners in midtown trying to get a cell signal.
I hope the Governor's remarks about updating New York City's ability to withstand the climate we live in today and tomorrow is sincere. And most important that we the people get why we need to pay up to improve and prevent the situations.
Btw if you haven't seen it here comes the boom(starting from 22 seconds in), from the 14th Street Con Ed Sub-Station:
If you want to know why shutting power down is the best bet and why electrical power stations go boom when exposed to salt water (and you couldn't be bothered to read the linked article, here's your crib-note from the same article)
"When live electric equipment is inundated with salt water, electricity escapes every which way, sending sparks flying and damaging equipment. "You see a huge blast just from the short circuit," says Arshad Mansoor, senior vice president for research and development at the Electric Power Research Institute, an industry-funded research group."So my two cents. Lets look at the cost of repairing the damage from this storm, plus the lost wages and tax revenue, and productivity (and lives directly attributable if any) project that forward based on the frequency and intensity of storms in the last 10-20 years and see if that comes close to what it cost to make long term fixes. One way or another we're gonna pay for this better it be less now vs more later.
Life's not so easy living Breezy - Hurricane Sandy brings hard facts home for Rockaway community, New York City in general
Breezy Point, Queens took a helluva a beating from Hurricane Sandy.
The winds turned bits of home and property into shrapnel, the storm surge brought floods in from the ocean overlapping the low land, inundating homes, drowning possessions and of course as has been widely reported causing fires to erupt surrounded by impassable roads, which sweep through the community on the Rockaway peninsula disintegrating over 100 homes and leaving smoldering foundations in it's wake.
Fortunately so far, there haven't been reports of any deaths as a result.
Most New Yorkers would have an easier time finding Staten Island than Breezy Point, (go ahead ask ten random New Yorkers to locate Staten Island on a map) Being the geek that I tend to be I knew where Breezy Point is but besides being gobsmacked by the fire and destruction I was way stunned at how many people live there. It's not what I remembered.
On summer days in the late 80's I'd ride my bike about 3 miles from the Flatlands/Mill Basin (yeh Mill Basin) area of Brooklyn where my grandmother's home is down along the Flatbush Avenue extension past the former Red Lobster, past the Toys R Us (usually past, there were frequent pit-stops at Toys R Us, hey I was a kid) out to Jamaica Bay. I'd then make what I still think is the most terrifying bike ride over a bridge in New York City, over the Gil Hodges Bridge stretching over the Jamaica Bay inlet between Brooklyn and Rockaway's slender strip of land.
Almost directly on the other side of the bridge is Jacob Riis Beach, in my opinion the best of the city beaches. The waves are higher at Riis Beach. I'd argue it's water and sand is cleaner than most of the city's beaches. It faces the ocean straight away unlike Coney Island which to an extent is behind Rockaway's eastern most point and that point is Breezy. Which is why I know of Breezy Point.
The first time I went, I did so simply because its words were otherwise unremarkably printed on the outskirts of the 1980's NYC Subway map. It seemed so distant. The map showed no landmarks. Not the ambiguous green geometry of a possible park or even a line to indicate roads. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to stand there, at the point drawn on the map, noteworthy enough at least to have been named but possibly consisting of nothing else. Being the literal minded kid I was, hoped for a pointed piece of sand to stand on, water on either side of me and what else, a breeze, at least.
Usually though, the summer heat and the 3 mile bike ride narrowed my focus and desire to nothing more than a quick splash in the accessible surf. It took many trips before I realized my Breezy Point investigation had never been conducted, so one day I made it the primary goal. Turning right off the bridge instead of my usual left toward Riis, I found a quaint street, a small fire station, and after a short ride not much else. The road as I recall stopped after less than a mile and became a sandy path. Curious as I was, a random sandy path into a neighborhood that didn't look a lot like me, wasn't so appealing to my teen-aged bike riding self. Yusef Hawkins was a constant presence in my mind when I rode into foreign outer borough neighborhoods. A few years later I convinced a girl friend that we should drive to Breezy Point. Of course I had an ulterior motive, besides whatever shenanigans we'd get into I wanted to see if we could get further in the car than I could on bike. Well a few minutes later I got my answer. The road had ended and we were surrounded not by water but tall grass. It was higher than the car, we couldnt even see the water but I suggested we drive deeper. We did and were rewarded by the sound of tires with no traction spinning out in the sand. She turned the car around and we high tailed it outta there.
That was all I knew of Breezy Point until Sandy hit. The number of tragically destroyed homes on inspired me to do some research and I learned it's a co-op community. Built from land purchased in the 60's but much of it developed only since the 80's.
A New York Times article from 2008 mention's this;
I watched this 20/20 report about Breezy Point.
Two ABC producers were there when the storm hit, to cover the folks who'd refused the mandatory evacuation. Several residents expressed a stand our ground philosophy. I understand that. I write this blog and more substantial live a good part of my life from the perspective of this land is my land, where I'm from and will remain. I understand that way of thinking. But ultimately I know in my heart outside forces come into our situations and influence our lives. We can stay put, but if we don't adapt to our new realities we won't last long. Whether the reality is gentrification or climate change.
Considering the storm was the result of climate change (leave comments if you can prove otherwise) and at-sea-level communities like Breezy Point, the outer banks in North Carolina and all around the world are going to be exposed to more intense storms and higher water levels, I can't help but wonder if residents are going to make long lasting solutions (building higher at least) or simply engage in the kind of cognitive dissonance that leaves people doomed to repetition.
The winds turned bits of home and property into shrapnel, the storm surge brought floods in from the ocean overlapping the low land, inundating homes, drowning possessions and of course as has been widely reported causing fires to erupt surrounded by impassable roads, which sweep through the community on the Rockaway peninsula disintegrating over 100 homes and leaving smoldering foundations in it's wake.
Fortunately so far, there haven't been reports of any deaths as a result.
Most New Yorkers would have an easier time finding Staten Island than Breezy Point, (go ahead ask ten random New Yorkers to locate Staten Island on a map) Being the geek that I tend to be I knew where Breezy Point is but besides being gobsmacked by the fire and destruction I was way stunned at how many people live there. It's not what I remembered.
On summer days in the late 80's I'd ride my bike about 3 miles from the Flatlands/Mill Basin (yeh Mill Basin) area of Brooklyn where my grandmother's home is down along the Flatbush Avenue extension past the former Red Lobster, past the Toys R Us (usually past, there were frequent pit-stops at Toys R Us, hey I was a kid) out to Jamaica Bay. I'd then make what I still think is the most terrifying bike ride over a bridge in New York City, over the Gil Hodges Bridge stretching over the Jamaica Bay inlet between Brooklyn and Rockaway's slender strip of land.
Almost directly on the other side of the bridge is Jacob Riis Beach, in my opinion the best of the city beaches. The waves are higher at Riis Beach. I'd argue it's water and sand is cleaner than most of the city's beaches. It faces the ocean straight away unlike Coney Island which to an extent is behind Rockaway's eastern most point and that point is Breezy. Which is why I know of Breezy Point.
The first time I went, I did so simply because its words were otherwise unremarkably printed on the outskirts of the 1980's NYC Subway map. It seemed so distant. The map showed no landmarks. Not the ambiguous green geometry of a possible park or even a line to indicate roads. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to stand there, at the point drawn on the map, noteworthy enough at least to have been named but possibly consisting of nothing else. Being the literal minded kid I was, hoped for a pointed piece of sand to stand on, water on either side of me and what else, a breeze, at least.
Usually though, the summer heat and the 3 mile bike ride narrowed my focus and desire to nothing more than a quick splash in the accessible surf. It took many trips before I realized my Breezy Point investigation had never been conducted, so one day I made it the primary goal. Turning right off the bridge instead of my usual left toward Riis, I found a quaint street, a small fire station, and after a short ride not much else. The road as I recall stopped after less than a mile and became a sandy path. Curious as I was, a random sandy path into a neighborhood that didn't look a lot like me, wasn't so appealing to my teen-aged bike riding self. Yusef Hawkins was a constant presence in my mind when I rode into foreign outer borough neighborhoods. A few years later I convinced a girl friend that we should drive to Breezy Point. Of course I had an ulterior motive, besides whatever shenanigans we'd get into I wanted to see if we could get further in the car than I could on bike. Well a few minutes later I got my answer. The road had ended and we were surrounded not by water but tall grass. It was higher than the car, we couldnt even see the water but I suggested we drive deeper. We did and were rewarded by the sound of tires with no traction spinning out in the sand. She turned the car around and we high tailed it outta there.
That was all I knew of Breezy Point until Sandy hit. The number of tragically destroyed homes on inspired me to do some research and I learned it's a co-op community. Built from land purchased in the 60's but much of it developed only since the 80's.
A New York Times article from 2008 mention's this;
In 1960, when the neighborhood went co-op, Breezy Point was mostly a summer retreat for middle-class families from Brooklyn, particularly Marine Park, Sheepshead Bay and Flatbush. In the late 1990s, according to brokers, hundreds of residents began razing one-story bungalows and building year-round dwellings.That might explain why I didn't notice so much community when I rode through. Unfortunately the community has a lot of undesired attention these days. Hopefully they can rebuild but I wonder how they will.
I watched this 20/20 report about Breezy Point.
Two ABC producers were there when the storm hit, to cover the folks who'd refused the mandatory evacuation. Several residents expressed a stand our ground philosophy. I understand that. I write this blog and more substantial live a good part of my life from the perspective of this land is my land, where I'm from and will remain. I understand that way of thinking. But ultimately I know in my heart outside forces come into our situations and influence our lives. We can stay put, but if we don't adapt to our new realities we won't last long. Whether the reality is gentrification or climate change.
Considering the storm was the result of climate change (leave comments if you can prove otherwise) and at-sea-level communities like Breezy Point, the outer banks in North Carolina and all around the world are going to be exposed to more intense storms and higher water levels, I can't help but wonder if residents are going to make long lasting solutions (building higher at least) or simply engage in the kind of cognitive dissonance that leaves people doomed to repetition.
Breezy Point,
Climate Change,
Hurricane Sandy,
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
St. Teresa Church in Brooklyn with Dangerous Storm Damage
That didn't take long.
I was headed on bike to the bar to administer my cabin fever and I half considered doing some "Storm Surveying" post Hurricane Sandy.
After two blocks I saw the metal facade had been torn from St. Teresa of Avila Church on Classon Av and Sterling Place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn (I know some folks insist it's Prospect Heights now but despite what googlemaps says, Washington Avenue is the boarder and where I stop tolerating real estate delusions).
I know the church well having attended it as a kid. It's part of the Catholic Diocese and it's towers were built in 1905. I've seen it take hits from storms, usually blizzards back in the day, but this is the most extensive damage I've seen the church endure in 30 years.
The street below is taped off but otherwise there isnt much way to know that the facade is dangling dangerously overhead so be careful if you're in the area.
Update 10/31/12 Councilmember Letitia (Tish) James has exressed that she's aware of the situation and it is being addressed, the street may be closed to avoid potential danger.
(photos: Jason Scott Jones)
I was headed on bike to the bar to administer my cabin fever and I half considered doing some "Storm Surveying" post Hurricane Sandy.
After two blocks I saw the metal facade had been torn from St. Teresa of Avila Church on Classon Av and Sterling Place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn (I know some folks insist it's Prospect Heights now but despite what googlemaps says, Washington Avenue is the boarder and where I stop tolerating real estate delusions).
I know the church well having attended it as a kid. It's part of the Catholic Diocese and it's towers were built in 1905. I've seen it take hits from storms, usually blizzards back in the day, but this is the most extensive damage I've seen the church endure in 30 years.
Update 10/31/12 Councilmember Letitia (Tish) James has exressed that she's aware of the situation and it is being addressed, the street may be closed to avoid potential danger.
Crown Heights,
Hurricane Sandy,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
9/11/12 another beautiful Tuesday morning, this time will more lessons than loss
One of my biggest challenges is moving on without the feeling of loss. It's easier to turn away and ignore than hold a memory of the past living in my mind and still navigate into the future.
Today's 9/11 anniversary, on a beautiful bright Tuesday just as the tragic day itself was, reminds me of the difficulty I find in moving forward while looking back.
No one should want to forget but how do you move forward while a part of you lives in the past? If we move to far forward, letting time and daily life erode the moment, how do we respect, remember and learn from what has happened.
I don't have an answer.
Millions of lives were changed eleven years ago today. Thousands of lives ended. Some of those lifes snuffed out that day, and some thousands had a chain of events set in motion that morning that would steal their lives too soon. People personally connected to the victims of this day eleven years ago had dents, detours and holes placed in their lives and hearts. The world contoured itself on the basis of that tragic day, in ways we have yet to unravel.
It's obvious we should never allow the loss and resulting impacts to be forgotten, all while we continue striving on toward a better world.
Rest and peace to those innocents lost as a result of that tragic day, love and strength to all the 9/11 survivor.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Brooklyn Where You At? (On the map)
How does one man become the decider of local neighborhood boundaries?
I dunno, ask google, but Matthew Hylan seems to be that man according to an article in today's NY Times:
If you're like me (born in Crown Heights, until the mid 90's when the real estate push activated the time machine and altered my birthplace to be Prospect Heights) you'll want to check in with Mr Hylan and his google map assessments (above) to find out where you (and we) are now.
The Times attempts to paint Mr Hylan in favorable and impartial tones, describing him more of an "Umpire" than activist but umpires make decisions so I'm sticking with my labeling.
I checked out the google map maker site, which is the google map we've come to know overlaid with neighborhood shapes defining specific areas. These area definitions were submitted by users and approved/co-signed by Mr. Hylan.
I don't want to wax on too long so I'll sum my thoughts into a few sentences; when brooklyn was majority natives (persons living here for one generation or more) we didn't have all these baby-bite-sized names or needs. You lived on your street, in an area of Brooklyn. Your area was Flatbush, Greenpoint, Bay Ridge, Bedford-Stuyvesant and it could stretch for miles. Clearly that time is gone and people native and new with much reduced map reading skills and attention spans (based on the numerous people who ask me weekly for the name of the subway station they're in as they stand next to and under the subway station's sign) are benefitted by more delineation, but lets not over do the neighbor cinching and lets not erase or push boundaries to the exclusion of people and past.
Since the main instigator for all these new neighborhood delineations is division, attempts by real estate people and some home owners wanting to separate themselves form the less desirable elements of their own neighborhoods, my suggestion is this, lets go back to full on areas those of say 1970 South Brooklyn, Flatlands, Bushwich, (one) Williamsburg, Crown Heights etc and then modify those areas with their subsections.
For example:
Cobble Hill & Carroll Gardens in South Brooklyn.
Ditmas Park, Prospect Park South & Lefferts-Prospect Gardens in Flatbush.
Lets give this a shot, because despite what intrenched interests will tell you, we all, over the course of the last 400 years, made these names up from our desires anyway.
As the a quote from Barry F. Hersh, a professor at the Schack Institute of Real Estate at New York University in the Times article notes, "The telephone company once decided which neighborhood you were in".
I dunno, ask google, but Matthew Hylan seems to be that man according to an article in today's NY Times:
If you're like me (born in Crown Heights, until the mid 90's when the real estate push activated the time machine and altered my birthplace to be Prospect Heights) you'll want to check in with Mr Hylan and his google map assessments (above) to find out where you (and we) are now.
The Times attempts to paint Mr Hylan in favorable and impartial tones, describing him more of an "Umpire" than activist but umpires make decisions so I'm sticking with my labeling.
I checked out the google map maker site, which is the google map we've come to know overlaid with neighborhood shapes defining specific areas. These area definitions were submitted by users and approved/co-signed by Mr. Hylan.
I don't want to wax on too long so I'll sum my thoughts into a few sentences; when brooklyn was majority natives (persons living here for one generation or more) we didn't have all these baby-bite-sized names or needs. You lived on your street, in an area of Brooklyn. Your area was Flatbush, Greenpoint, Bay Ridge, Bedford-Stuyvesant and it could stretch for miles. Clearly that time is gone and people native and new with much reduced map reading skills and attention spans (based on the numerous people who ask me weekly for the name of the subway station they're in as they stand next to and under the subway station's sign) are benefitted by more delineation, but lets not over do the neighbor cinching and lets not erase or push boundaries to the exclusion of people and past.
Since the main instigator for all these new neighborhood delineations is division, attempts by real estate people and some home owners wanting to separate themselves form the less desirable elements of their own neighborhoods, my suggestion is this, lets go back to full on areas those of say 1970 South Brooklyn, Flatlands, Bushwich, (one) Williamsburg, Crown Heights etc and then modify those areas with their subsections.
For example:
Cobble Hill & Carroll Gardens in South Brooklyn.
Ditmas Park, Prospect Park South & Lefferts-Prospect Gardens in Flatbush.
Lets give this a shot, because despite what intrenched interests will tell you, we all, over the course of the last 400 years, made these names up from our desires anyway.
As the a quote from Barry F. Hersh, a professor at the Schack Institute of Real Estate at New York University in the Times article notes, "The telephone company once decided which neighborhood you were in".
Thursday, July 19, 2012
New York Shi**y, sometimes
Sewage overflow. Sound bad? it generally is, its the term for and what happens when a huge amount of water from say sudden and epic rainfall (as is seen in this AWESOME photo
![]() |
Photo by Dhani Jones / https://twitter.com/DhaniJones/status/225644233309163522 |
Yesterday's epic downpours dropped nearly an inch of rain within an hour's time.
When this happens the actual floodgates are opened and the sewage, a combination of toilet waste, street run off and other less than pleasantry and the sudden rain are dumped, into our rivers. That's bad enough, but worse of course is that we live in an interconnected world and so what goes into the river yesterday will be around the beaches this weekend, and in smaller amounts remain for days to come.
Sewage overflow does have to go somewhere or it will back up into your home, but this is the only solution we as a city have available for when there's heavy rains like yesterday. We let it pour into the rivers and eventually beaches and either don't know or don't think about the results.
That is until someone records one sewage release point (above) this one into the Hudson River, great music select from 4Sespecially who posted the video on youtube.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
45 Trees Shredded and a Battle on Bedford Av Begun
In June I awoke to the sound of machinery as opposed to the singing birds that normally roused me from slumber. I assumed it was street repair work. Except that there was a persistent buzzing. Eventually I saw a wood-chipper machine grinding tree limbs fed from an undistinguished man and taken from an enclosed park space on Bedford Avenue.
The park space is the width of two four story apartment buildings and is in fact two lots that residents have a claim to. They explain that the lots were granted as park space by the BEC (Brooklyn Ecumenical Corporation) and given to the Bedford Park Residents Association. They say they have not only had the space granted as a park for residents (the usage was granted to them after the buildings on the lots had been torn down and to prevent the space from falling into disuse) but they've also paid for maintenance of the space for over 18 years.
This is what the park has looked like for much of the last two decades:

I've posted more pictures (from Google Maps) http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr_fuetur/7554451180/in/photo stream
I assumed the men tossing tree limbs into shreds were cleaning up fallen branches.
It turns out a developer who according to residents has yet to provide any proof ownership of the park space, has made a claim to the lots on which the park stands and had sent the men to chop down over 40 trees which included Maples and fruit-baring boysenberry so the land can be developed and a condo built.
When I passed Bedford avenue between Park and Prospect places this is what the park looked like:
In the span of about 3 hours over 40 trees were cut down and shredded. This shot by a resident shows the destruction and the felling of the trees:
You can see before views of the area for yourself on googlemaps: https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=1442+bedford+avenue,+new+york,+ny&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89c25b9e7baed427:0x1677f5ec760ed64b,1442+Bedford+Ave,+Brooklyn,+NY+11216&gl=us&ei=1GD-T9nYEaWn6wGn0LngBg&sqi=2&ved=0CAUQ8gEwAA
At a community meeting held next door members of the board expressed their frustrations. Their belief is the developers have an expectation that residents wouldn't defend this space and that local officials will either defend their claim of ownership or simply not speak up.
One resident told me NY1 had recorded statements from residents for a segment on the issue but no segment was aired.
This story has been reported in the Brooklyn Paper as well as the I love Franklin Ave blog.
The Franklin Ave Blog sums it up like this:
Basically, back in 1994, the Brooklyn Ecumenical Council (BEC) dedicated a pair of lots on Bedford as a community garden and park, to be jointly used and paid for by residents and owners of the surrounding buildings. Fast forward 18 years, and a developer who's acquired some adjacent land believes he has rights to the space, and has already shredded the trees, shrubs, and bushes that had adorned the lot for the past two decades. Needless to say, the residents are fighting back, and they're hoping to mount a legal and political challenge to this land grab
Speculation abounds as to what claim the developers have to the land and how they'll verify it since each time the police have been called the workmen in the park have had no documentation proving a right to be on the property or permits for the destruction.
The burden of proof swings both ways as the tenants association is working to retrieve documents they say will demonstrate the developers claim to the land is unjust.
To that end they've put a call out to any who may have documents and or photographic relating to the park and its community history.
According to Mr. Francis one of the Bedford Park Residents Association, today (Thursday 7/12) workmen are scheduled to come to do core samples of the land for use in the developers plane build condos on the space. For that reason they are asking for other residents to come out and stand up for the space and they've put out a call to anyone with photos or documents demonstrating the tenants history of usage and claim to the park.
Bedford Avenue,
Crown Heights,
When Gentrification Attacks
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Watch it. Do it.
Change seems, like the passing blur out side your bus, car, train, plane window, to be the indication that something in the universe is moving against you. not ominous or provocatively, necessarily, but definitely moving and definitely not in the same direction as you. obvious right? That's why change is change and not "same".
I wondered about this particular post that you're reading. It has been a while since I've added anything to this blog. Nearly one year. and longer still since I wrote consistently. That's probably closer to three years since I updated posts consistently.
When I started this blog my goal, as is stated, was to add a voice to the cacophony on Brooklyn Bloggers, many of whom seemed, new, to put it coy and lightly. I also wanted to tell Brooklyn stories. Stories I thought people would like and maybe had experienced themselves, but that were not widely distributed or spotlighted. Another goal was creative discipline, I wanted an outlet that I could pour my energy into, and a production structure to reliably present content as well as reminding myself that I was the creative professional my resume claims me to be. I was also, like many people very under-employed and needed something to do with my free computer time other than checking my checking account and iCalendar to see exactly when I was likely to be broke and homeless. And let us not forget the dragons. Dragons like the beasts to be know as Atlantic Yards, and the Barclays Center and the 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee and a rule breaking Mayor in search of a third sheet, all in need of righteously fueled raging blog posts to be written in hopes of defeating and sending them all back to their misconceived caves. All that and more was why I started writing this blog.
We'll things changed.
I'm back. There's no horns, no onslaught of comments wondering where the new posts went or when I would be posting the next "Photo Wednesday" or "Missed-it-Monday". To be honest much of the correspondence that did result from this blog came from other bloggers and most of them have other things to do these days, which in a lot of cases isn't a bad thing at all.
But yeh, I'm back and there's no clear sign that anything is different now that I'm adding a new post after a ten month absence but that's because this is the restart. It's usually easier to see how things change after you've stepped away far enough to notice that motion whizzing by.
Hello Brooklyn. Again. Seeya soon.
Here's some links in case you want a reminder of what's changed and same as it ever was:
Brooklyn Stories
Posted 04/2008
The Sharpening Truck
Posted 07/2009
The Rainbow Connection
Posted 06/2010
Hot Bird returns, same as it never was
Atlantic Yards
Posted 02/2011
Posted 09/2009
Posted 06/2009
An Architectural Critic plays dumb and I critic his performance
Posted 03/2009
The Simpsons explain the Atlantic Yards deal in under 180 seconds
Posted 02/2010
Park Delicatessen & Dutch Boy Burgers Gentrification I can believe in
Bedford-Stuyvesant Gets a Big Gulp
Brooklyn Bloggers
Posted 03/2009
Robert Guskind passes on.
Posted 03/2009
Vintage Brooklyn Photos
Photo Wednesdays
Posted 01/2011
A Cold Photo Wednesday in Bushwich
Posted 05/2010
PhotoWednesday in OneBrooklynBridgePark
PhotoWednesday Brooklyn Boards
Posted 03/2011
MosDef in Concert, Fort Greene Park
Posted 06/2011
MJ Tribute Party
Posted 07/2010
Soul Summit in Fort Greene
Posted 11/2008
Obama Election
Posted 11/2009
NYC Mayorial Election 2009
Posted 11/2008
NYC Marathon
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