Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
After Hurricane Irene
There is flooding in low-lying areas, which includes MTA trainyards in Coney Island and North-East Harlem, each near the water. For that and other reasons the subways are still down, I hope the city isn't punting on Monday and they at least put the buses back in service.
For those who think the flooding fears were unwarranted check out this photo from Chelsea near 11th ave by Scott Witt:

Still the dreaded storm surge of water, pushed in by the hurricane, aimed at the low seawalls of the waterfront, The Battery and the financial district didnt come as high as feared. There was flooding along the water's edge on the west side highway and other sea-leveled areas like Gowanus. Areas of Brooklyn and Queens that generally flood in big storms did again. And trees across the city are being uprighted or collected after being uprooted.
Overall we've weathered the storm and can get back to our personal calamities.
Be safe and have great day!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
AfroPunk Festival Rain or Shine in BKlyn this WkEnd
As you should know by now this year's Afro Punk Festival has been indefinitely postponed due to Hurricane Irene, which is slated to hit late Saturday and all day Sunday.
With the mandatory evacuations of coastal NYC and the scheduled shut down of mass transit at 12 noon today, no to mentioned the forecasts of 60+ MPH winds, its not wonder the shot won't be going on any time too soon.
The line up included Santigold, Janelle Monae, Cee-Lo and FISHBONE during a rare NYC concert appearance! Plus skaters, Bmxers, vendors of food, gear and culture in all directions, what could be bigger than that? Possibly a hurricane.
Current forecasts continue to show a possibility of a direct hit with NYC this saturday and sunday which of course
Well the forecast held
But after the stage collapse recently in Indiana that killed 7 due impart to a bad storm, you can bet people will err on the side of caution.
I hope the festival and especially the concert go off without a hitch, and as of now the promoters promise the festival will happen rain or shine. One thing is certain with that line up like that there's an incredible amount of talent and energy ready to be released so a storm is coming to Brooklyn's Commodore Barry Park (near the Navy Yard) whether it's made of a maelstrom or music we'll have to wait and see.
For more details check the Afro Punk Website:
Afro Punk Festival scheduled for Saturday Aug 27 and Sunday Aug 28 @ Commodore Barry Park
View Larger Map
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Nostrand Av Comm Clean Up Day - This Sat 8/20th at 10am
Details Below:
Nostrand Avenue Community Clean Up Day
This Saturday August 20th at 10am:
sponsored by Council Member Letitia James; NYC Community Cleanup; the Crown Heights Mediation Center; The Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force; and the Executive Director of IKOKO
Join us at the corner of Sterling Place and Nostrand Avenue Saturday to “Beautify and Unify” Crown Heights North
(Brooklyn, NY) In order to encourage and assist with ongoing Crown Heights North revitalization, Council Member James is sponsoring a “clean-up day” for Nostrand Avenue on Saturday, August 20th. The “clean-up day” will include graffiti removal, store front cleaning, garbage removal and street tree care. NYC Community Clean Up, a not-for-profit organization, will provide these services, except for street tree care, at no cost to the merchants and residents. Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force will be responsible for the tree care which will include soil aeration, mulching and pruning. The Crown Heights Mediation Center conceived of the “clean-up day” as a way to support new & existing businesses on Nostrand Avenue.
This will be the first partnership of New York City Community Clean-Up, Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force, and the Executive Director of IKOKO, Inc. (IKOKO is providing outreach and meeting space on Saturday), in which store-fronts will be encouraged to work together and revitalize an already vital merchant’s block. Council Member James encourages store owners to contact the Brooklyn Solution Center Branch of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce at (718) 875-3400, which provide alternate sources of capital and business solutions. Also, new store owners are encouraged to access the services of NBAT, a new business acceleration team through the Office of the Mayor in partnership with the City Council.
The point of the day is to bring together store owners and residents along the Avenue - merchants will receive services, free of charge, through the Center for Court Innovation. NYC Community Clean Up is a not-for-profit that uses community service credits for formerly incarcerated to remove graffiti, wipe down store fronts, and change garbage in litter baskets. This project, through the Crown Heights Mediation Center, from funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, encourages new and existing businesses in the district to grow, and through community entrepreneurs, it will help developments meet the burgeoning district.
“As a result of this clean-up day, we will support development of an already thriving community in Crown Heights, free of graffiti, and I am hopeful to continue working together to beautify the blocks. Crown Heights has so many wonderful stores that will now form an alliance from today’s event onward. This area, with its multicultural population, and thriving culture, has a prosperous future ahead of it,” said Council Member James.
WHO: Council Member Letitia James, New York City Community Clean-Up, Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force, and the Executive Director of IKOKO, Inc.
WHAT: Nostrand Avenue Community Clean Up Day
WHEN: Saturday, August 20 beginning at 10 a.m.
WHY: Corner of Sterling Place and Nostrand Avenue in Crown Heights North
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Photo Wednesday 08/17/11: Ft. Greene Park Summer 2011 Edition
Like so many summers before this, too much is going on, all the time, even with rain-delays, for my one man operation to live it, record it and present it. The idea of doing a summer review in September came to mind, and then I realized the problem with that; nothing worse than looking back on a summer you can be part of, especially with the Fall chill creeping in. SO my suggestion to you and all is to take note of the days we have left, think of the sun and fun to come, and go get some (or some more) before it runs out.
One particularly summery place this year in Brooklyn has been Fort Greene Park, often over shadowed by it's bigger cousin Prospect, Ft. Greene Park has been a constant source of music, community and more a few times, really good eats. Below are pics from the Soul Summit and a few from the Fort Greene Fest held back in July.
The Soul Summit, a non-denominational church revival-slash- family reunion disguised as a House Music dance party (aren't they all though?) was a major event every Sunday from July to August for one brief Summer back round 2003 or so. But neighborhood grumblings pruned it down year after year until now it's nearly as easy to miss as Haley's Comet or some other fast moving celestial phenomenon. That being the case I went out and what essentially looks very much the same and different every year. In a word, it's "Family".

Ft. Greene Park Summer 2011 DSC_0316, originally uploaded by b'klynborn.
Here is one of those cool brothas, a house head and dancer extraordinaire. I've seen him at various spots across the city and across the years, always accompanied by house music and i dont even know his name. Good shot though, lotta twisting and turning frozen in time.
to the beat of the drum(djimbe)
Soaking it in at the Soul Summit
Drummers and percussionists all.
I missed the better shot when dad came down to meet him, but still happy i caught part of the moment.
rhythm and hues
DJ Ian Friday working the decks
Church by any other name...
And for good measure I've added a few more photos that help describe the Fort Greene Fest held in mid-July

Mos Def rocking the crowd in Fort Greene Park, originally uploaded by b'klynborn.
From way back up on the hill watching the stage at the 3rd Annual Fort Greene Fest in Bklyn (of course)
Get up, get out and get sum summer.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Brooklyn Baseball
The article is an obituary of Nat Allbright, who was a baseball announcer, of games he never saw.
Intriguing right? Here's the article:
Speaking of baseball (but in the present) for the second year I've attended a Brooklyn Cyclones game out at Coney Island. The minor league Cyclones (affiliates of the National League NY Mets, of course) pounded the Aberdeen Iron Birds (Baltimore Orioles farm club) pretty good.

In my more than humble opinion a game with the Cyclones is a good time to be had. The stadium is small but feels full and expansive. There are great sight-lines throughout the park and the background dressing of the Parachute Jump on one side, and the Cyclone rollercoast in the distance add to the easy summer atmosphere. Games also manage a lovably corny air with enjoyably hokey family friendly entertainment between innings and lots of local characters. Best enjoyed with a group, sitting behind home plate. Oh and if you sit along the foul lines, be ready to catch or duck.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Photo Wednesday 08/03/11 : KIDLAND
This is a photo I caught during last month'sFort Greene Festival titled "Kid Play In Ft Greene Park".The title doesnt expresswhat I thought was cool about the moment. I looked back to the food vendors (blue tents) and for a second because of how far off all the adults were it looked like the park had been taken over by mini-people, and to an extent, for the moment, it had. All of them busy with their own imagined industry. Good times.
July is done, enjoy what summer remains.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Photo Wednesday 07/27/11: Paper Subway Crane

Speaking of the subways and what not, I just learned that only two years into his six year contract MTA Board head Jay Walder is leaving for a gig outta town. He will stay on until October of this year, then he's Hong Kong bound.
The articles below all reported the story when I missed it last week (when I was probably in the middle of the eighth shower that day)
You'll see in the articles above the range of opinion on the story as views differ on what this says about Walder and more importantly the effect it will have on mass transit riders in the city.
Some are trying to make him out to be the railyard equivalent of LeBron James (<--Btw this clip is very amusing if you havent seen it) for taking his talents elsewhere, but as the Gothamist article points out he was make $500k in London then left that job to come here and work for $350k and Hong Kong is offering almost a million annually.
Plus the transit works union, (and I am prounion) has a big sway over the agency thanks to the necessity of the MTA for city life and their contract is coming up at the end of the year while the MTA still struggles to pay off the debt incurred by huge borrowing over the last ten years, (thanks Pataki).
If you dont know Walder is credited with an attempt to modernize the MTA specifically city buses and subways. Things I havent liked under his watch, the cut off of bus service in the boroughs, and shortening of schedules but most of that was the result of budget cuts and a lack of public fighting to keep necessary services. As well as the constant problem with the MTA, that they are not politically accountable to anyone because they are a half private half goverment agency.
Things I have liked under Walder's watch, continued modernizing of the trains (I'm not a fan of robo trains though) and the update and addition of schedule clocks, (mentioned in a previous post) which every major city's subways (London, Tokyo, etc) have. I also like the realtime bus tracking and priorety bus lanes in the city. This and more was the promise and expectations that surrounded Walder's arrival as MTA head.
But yeah, Walder's a native New Yorker, and we know a few things with certainty; when the road's about to get bumpy and what a good deal looks like. I can't fault him for his choice but I'm not very optimistic that Cuomo will find anyone nearly as able to run this city's MTA and complete the turnaround Walder attempted to start.

Looks like NYer's will have to fold up our hopes and dreams into another, this bird has flown.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Photo Wednesday 07/22/11: #1 Candy Rush Edition
So a few weeks back I mentioned the opening of "Candy Rush" a store specializing in Candy and Ice Cream, especially long forgotten treats like those hard candy drops that come on a role paper and (even though they are new versions) the Dip Stik ! (pictured above, and called "Fun Dip") Basically Dip-Stiks were a pouch with two or three sections, each with a powdered koolaid like mix of flavor and suger. The pack also had a white oblong hard candy wand which you used to scoop out the powder and eat it.
Definitely unhealthy, totally fun, especially when as 5 year olds we learned that liking the candy stick made the powder easier to harvest.
We were like little (Chimpanzees!)
Photo Wednesdya 07/22/11 #2Dumb Bike Moves
The thing about these bikes being locked up here isn't just that they're easy to steal. It's that there were poles just a few feet away that the bikes could have been locked up to. And that the habit of sticking bikes in tree beds is just lazy and not good for whatever is planted there. As someone who's had many bikes stolen in this fair burgh, It's not something you want to experience but this type of move makes me think they'd deserve whatever happens.
#3 dumb bike moves
Today's Photo Wednesday and this pic comes courtesy of whoever thought it a good idea to lock their bikes up to a wooden post which is probably no more than 6 inches in the ground. As the next pic will show the post isn't very tall so anybody able to snatch two bike and take them home to work on the lock, could.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Photo Wednesday 07/13/11 : The Most Famous man on the Brooklyn IRT
I think I just figured a solution to the summer Photo Wednesday dilemma, which is too many things going on to only have one photo for wednesday. The solution is I'll try loading all the week's contenders from flickr (much faster than coding) and then list them up to number one.
Today's number one is this brother who's name I don't know, and who I've never spoken with, but I've heard his voice. And if you read the IRT in Brooklyn (yes I'm trying to keep the IRT name alive) then you've probably heard his voice too. he has what at first looks like a walkman, or discman. You'll notice that almost last though. What you'll notice first is a sharp crackly crash of sound wrapped around a distorted voice, doing what is either Dance Hall chanting, Kareoke Vocoder, or CB Radio mimicing.
This brother replete in a single ensemble then begins the magic, a full on performance, featuring energy, music, and interpretive dance. What his intentions are can not be known for sure, but he's not shy that's for certain.
I first noticed him two years ago, shortly after Michael Jackson's death. This brother was doing abbrevatated moonwalks at Atlantic Avenue. Where interestingly, is where the above photo was snapped.
This time out I caught a picture and noticed that everyone around watching him seemed to have a story about him already.
He doesn't need twitter, he's trending in the real.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Photo Wednesday 07/06/11: Vanderbilt Rail edition

I noticed these rails being unearthed during construction of new (and necessary traffic / sidewalk islands) at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, I wonder if these rails are old Trolley tracks (which are buried nearly everywhere in northern Brooklyn) or if they could in fact be from the nearly 150 year old Vanderbilt rail line?
What looks to me like wooden rail ties are visible in the shot above.

This seems like a lot of rails to be just the trolley, in my opinion of course.

Anybody know?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Photo Wednesday: Mos Def a Fort Greene Fest Edition! +Video!
But nuff a that, second only to the most amazing music was the food from Madiba, Brooklyn Moon, General Greene, , I got shots a plenty of the delicious vittles I scarfed down, but for now, enjoy this clip of the Mighty Mos Def most definitely representing Bk to the fullest...
MosDef @ Fort Greene Fest 2011 from BklynBorn on Vimeo.
Quick clip from MosDef @ Fort Greene Fest 2011. Shakey at first but it levels, enjoy
Also stay tuned to this blog-channel for details of the next music event headed to the Fort Greene/Downtown Bk area, it will be epic!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Photo Wednesday 06/22/11: Candy Countdown Edition

Candy Land Bk Style, The candy colored interior of the shop. originally uploaded by b'klynborn.
"Lemme take you to the Candy Shop..." like most 50 Cent lyrics I find even thinking this in the tune of his jams both catchy and inappropriate, plus this post is supposed to be my "Photo Wednesday": Candy Shop centric post and so far I have you thinking bout a over-hyped rapper instead of a new entrepreneurial venture on Franklin Avenue, which is, ta da: "The Candy Shop"!
But I guess that's to be expected, my blogging habits have been sporadic which is no way to cover the Brooklyn Spring just concluded, in which I saw more than a few new businesses blossom.
For now I'll spill guts on Candy Shop, it is what it sounds like, no hipster ironies here, not recreational medicine hub, but in fact a story selling candies of various sorts including the kind of giant lollipops usually found on Coney Island or Oz.
In fact I was recently informed that the Candy Shop had intended on opening sooner than this and was held back because they didn't have a license to sell candy in jar. Who knew you need a license in NYC to have candy in a jar?!? Is that mind-boggling to you? It is to me, I mean you can put a fish in a jar with no permission or regulation and that's a living creature, but trying putting Swedish fish in a jar, liable to get written up.
Anyway the proprietors of the Candy Shop are the same gents who brought us the "About Time" store across the street from Candy Shop's location on Franklin Av between Park and Sterling. As many in this edge of Crown Heights (or Crow Hill) know these young men are very active in supporting community events and progress.
The Candy Shop from what one of the owners told me, will also serve as an exhibition space, so have your proposals and what-not ready.

Candy Countdown, originally uploaded by b'klynborn.
The details on the shop as reported on the "IloveFranklinAveBlog" (note the blog refers to the name of the store as "The Candy Rush") are as follows:
The scoop on “The Candy Rush”
The Candy Rush is a vintage Candy Land and Ice Cream shop by day and eclectic event space by night. The founders, Kevin Phillip and Garnett Alcindor, are on the quest to deliver the ultimate treat experience with their vast candy selection and fresh organic ice cream, delivered by Blue Marble Creamery. The Candy Rush will offer thirteen of Blue Marble Creamery’s best tasting flavors. Customers will be able to customize their ice cream selections by adding their favorite fruit and candy toppings. The candy store also offers homemade juices, root beer floats, milkshakes and fresh brewed coffees topped with your favorite ice cream.
The 1200 square foot dessert spot showcases handmade countertops, tabletops and a candy-coated bench, built with actual candy. Guests can eat out doors on the beautiful deck.
At The Candy Rush, a container of ice cream can range from $2.50-$4.00. Homemade juices made by Chef Shani Porter, will be $2.50 for 12 ounces, and $2 between 3pm-5pm on weekdays. The candy store is stocked with an assortment of candy, including hard-to-find vintage candy and modern day favorites. Customers can choose to purchase various candy combinations starting at $8.00/lb.
The candy store will also sell made-to-order candy gift baskets, great for any occasion.
Grand Opening Event
Lets get the confetti and sprinkles; ice cream lovers of all ages are invited to come celebrate! The grand opening celebration will officially kick off on Saturday, June 25th at 10am. The first one hundred scoops of ice cream will be FREE for attendees.Creditable press and bloggers will receive an all-access pass, in which they receive free samples and gift bags.
The Candy Rush Announces Grand Opening EventGrand opening (open to the public)Saturday, June 25th, 2011733 Franklin AveBrooklyn, NY 11238Free Entry 10am-10pm
Now if I can only get some creditable press credentials for my anonymous blog... Dare I say it's gonna be sweet... (couldnt resist)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dance Africa all this Weekend @ BAM
Thats a big lead in, but in times of uncertainty celebration of life and tradition is always good, and a great example of that is the annual and ongoing event Dance Africa at the Brooklyn Academy of Music this Memorial Day weekend.
Dance Africa has stood for over 30 years as a kick-off to Summer events in Brooklyn and throughout the city and it also the place for Great Culture, Great Food, Great Sounds all downtown in Brooklyn of course. After the damp grey May we've had it's time to get this Summer going!
Check for more info
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Photo Wednesday : 03/30/11 : Dressing Up & Dressing Down in the Hood

The tiles of the new Chavela's on Franklin Ave in Crown Heights.
I was passing by one night last week and noticed a handsome crowd galavanting inside, as I approached with a small bag of groceries, a regular dude was entering and let me in. I looked around 180 degrees and connected eyes again with the regular guy who then informed me, "they're not open" he apologized as I walked out.
Chavela's isn't the only new biz dolling up:

Ah yes these flags were needed because an (actually) underground pawn shop is not tacky enough. Is this legal?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Photo Wednesday 03/23/11 :"The End is Far Away" Edition
I've mentioned many reasons for having "photowednesdays" on this blog. some reasons are current events love of Brooklyn and keeping my idle hands from being the devils playthings. I've probably also mentioned it's not always easy to find a new pic of something Brooklyn-centric or born that's interesting. I never want photo Wednesdays to turn into a catalogue of cliched pics of the bridge or the arch.
all this to say i wasnt clear or looking forward to this photo wednesday. its winter i work almost nonstop and so whatever uniqueness goes on i feel i miss lately. sometimes i cant imagine what there is to see that hasnt been seen already in Brooklyn, and then there's images like this I found today.
I'm a morning facebook checker and I found a professional friends announcement that his mom had passed. a few weeks back I and thousands like me lost a great friend and I couldn't help notice the last few weeks on facebook how many personal condolence messages there have been.
then on a bit of a tangent there's slot of conversations I've found myself in lately with people expressing the end of days coming in 2012 (which I'm not a believer in) and the frequency of these conversations, not the actual topic, but that so many people are subscribing.... leaves me a little speechless.
all that to say this morning I felt as grey as the day.
and then there's image and it's message waiting to be seen.
happy Wednesday y'all
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Photo Wednesday: 03/16/11 : Natural Edition
not much to say been a rough time in life and nature lately but hey flowers bloom in spring...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Board in Brooklyn, new on Franklin : Photo Wednesday 03/09/11
there've been a lot of good images pass my eyes lately so this week it's three photos for Wednesday. 2 showing the interest boarding is enjoying in Brooklyn these days...

the photo below has nothing to do with boards (except maybe the boards on te windows) but it does speak to new goings on Franklin Av. I've been too busy to research beyond staring at construction workers and for all I know the "ilovefranklinave" blog probably covered this already. Anybody know what it is?
alls I knows is if it services and enhanced the hood, I'm with it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Photo Wednesday: In Memorium
last week was too hectic put this out to the universe but rest in peace DEM and thank you much.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Winter Bridge to Brooklyn : Photo Wednesday 02/16/11
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sweeten the winter: Beny's Delice : Photo Wednesday 02/09/11

anywhoo... Last few weeks have found my rummaging through me old stomping grounds, Clinton Hill,(Fort Greene! Bed-Stuy!) And along the way I wandered into a delightful display of delicious decadence distracted me and I was a decidedly directed into the den of desserts that is Beny's Delice.
The pictures are more demonstrative:

The interior is very rustic in a cutesy folk meets french cosmo kinda way. I liked the wall paper so much I'm thinking of using it for my laptop...they should put it on their website...or does noone do desktop-wallpapers anymore?

Staff quite nice, attentive and appropriately proud.
Apparently they've been open since last summer 2010, to think I used to live around the corner from the view above, what else is going on in my neighborhood since I've been gone? Suggests?