Hey readers, first lemme say thank you very much for reading. I would in fact write this stuff regardless, it's how I do, but the fact that people find my writing worth reading, and even better respond to it, is a joy to me and I hope to you too.
I'm now almost two and a half years in and to make the experience of reading and finding, interesting topics on the brooklynborn blog better and easier, I've added a search bar (finally). Type in any word or topic and you'll get back related posts, just like a grownup blog.
Also to share the really interesting things many of you have to say, recent comments will now appear to the right from which you can jump right to the conversation.
sniff, my baby blog is growin so fhast! (I'm my best Florida Evans voice) Thanks again and keep Brooklyn in your heart.
-Brooklyn Born
3 hours ago
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