Today is first saturday at the Brooklyn Museum, and this one features the opening of the latest Takeshi Murakami exhibit. check it out and get your dance on!
here's the url for more info: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/
Wow! what an unorganized chaotic scene. So I went to the opening day of the Murakami show, and I am sure it's interesting but I never made it in. The way the museum staff organized the massive lines of people was a cruel joke.
Workers contradicted one another, and it seemed they were so unaware of each other it was insane. They created multiple sets of lines seemingly by accident, which left people (myself included) waiting in line for... apparently nothing, only to be herded out the building and added to other lines that formed while we were misdirected. I still haven't seen the show and I'm a lot less excited about it.
More to come.
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