It's noon in NYC and the ticker-tape should by coming down in buckets by now. It reminds me of my amazing tickertape experiences especially from 1999 when I was IN the parade with the Yankees, but that's a story for another time.
I had an energetic moment when I thought about grabbing the camera and heading to the "canyon of heroes" to do a first hand report, but work calls, and besides a tickertape parade is not something to enter into lightly. The Atlantic Avenue train station this morning was proof of that with what looked like 1 out of every 5 people dressed in some sort of Giant garb headed off to show support.
I remember after that 98' parade (and probably others) there was a ripple effect of fans migrating uptown from the parade route so that hour by hour each manhattan neighborhood was awash in a sea of team spirit and humanity. That being the case and me being in midtown, I expect to see the big blue wave up here around 2:30pm. Go Giant's!
And nope I won't be voting either, as I am a registered Independent and New York's Democratic party is closed to the likes of me.
Why is it that Indies get the snub in NYC? Anybody know why besides the fact that political parties choose their own rules?
1 hour ago
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