Habana Outpost is had it's annual Earth Day opening last weekend, I missed it but I'm picking it as the place to be this Saturday in Fort Greene, Bklyn. Here's a previous post about Habana if you're not in the know.
That is all folks!
Views of a born and bred Brooklynite. (umbrooklynborn@gmail.com) This blog satisfies my need to hear and air feelings of B'klyn from the people whose life experience were born here. Hopefully it'll balance to some of the revisionist historical musings I've seen as if Bklyn barely existed before the 90's. Brooklyn as Tabula Rasa. If we can all live as best possible while appreciating the past and neighbors we've inherited that would be great too.
Green Fort Greene & Clinton Hill and the FAB Alliance in partnership with the New York Restoration Project and MillionTreesNYC and through the generous support of Bloomberg Philanthropies and David Rockefeller present...
Come to Fulton St and Grand Ave in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn on Saturday and Sunday, April 17-18, from 10AM-3PM and leave with a FREE TREE!
Trees will be available to individuals, families and community groups for planting on private property only. First come, first served. If you need it, we will provide advice, lend a shovel, help you bring home a tree, or help you plant. Small decorative flowering trees will be available - perfect for front and rear yards!
For more info, contact Jed Marcus at tree@greenfgch.org
To volunteer, contact Marilyn at volunteer@greenfgch.org
Green Fort Greene & Clinton Hill and the FAB Alliance in partnership with the New York Restoration Project and MillionTreesNYC and through the generous support of Bloomberg Philanthropies and David Rockefeller present...
Come to Fulton St and Grand Ave in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn on Saturday and Sunday, April 17-18, from 10AM-3PM and leave with a FREE TREE!
Trees will be available to individuals, families and community groups for planting on private property only. First come, first served. If you need it, we will provide advice, lend a shovel, help you bring home a tree, or help you plant. Small decorative flowering trees will be available - perfect for front and rear yards!
For more info, contact Jed Marcus at tree@greenfgch.org
To volunteer, contact Marilyn at volunteer@greenfgch.org