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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Photo Wednesday 01/27/10 : Back in Time

Classic Car in Crown Heights
This photo of a classic Buick was taken this month in Crown Heights

I almost wrote this post 18 months ago but I was reminded by one of the bloggy that it was too soon. Time's right now, here goes; "it's tough keeping up with a blog, more than that it's work..!"

Yeah I hear that tiny violin playing for me, screw you puny virtuoso!

But seriously it's work and a commitment. I takes at least an hour for me to write anything, because I want my thoughts to come out and be understood, so there's rewriting, grammer grammar checking and often, when I get soapboxxy, fact checking. That doesn't include searching for relevant photos, uploading and so on. Basically it's never an hour its usually two and sometimes four hours of unpaid labor before I'm content to hit the little publish button and go looking to see if the rest of my life still exists. And in a way that's what I wanted to experience and one of the variety of personal reasons (not the least being love) that propels this bloggyeffort. I simply and complexly love Brooklyn. No doubt and forever.

And that's where work and commitment should be applied in my estimate, towards love. I can only guess how much of that is true in the case of the Buick in the photo above and it's owner.

All of this is going to be tested soon. I got a call yesterday, and a major entity wants to make an honest creator out of me. I've accepted the offer. Things will change but I've committed to this and it might mean things like me posting a photo for Photo Wednesday after 90% of Wednesday is gone but I'm committed to this, I'm not going anywhere, Brooklyn's my heart and home. Forever.

Keep Brooklyn in your heart and you'll be aight.

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