Today's photo for Wednesday comes courtesy of CNN and that silly Weiner.
So uhh...
(oh wait! Press play on the youtube link, trust me)
Ah.. Better.
So Weiner, out in the news, again. Didn't we do this dance (yes?) Didn't I already write this post? (pretty much) So with as little humility and modesty as our attempted Weiner of a Mayor I'm reposting everything I wrote already last May about this Weiner attempting to act as if his character flaws aren't present or an issue.
Because as the Weiner is attempting to demonstrate, Phoning it in has become status quo for many. (and keep that song going, "...round and round, round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows...")
Click the image or this link for the original unwanted weiner post.

So uhh...
(oh wait! Press play on the youtube link, trust me)
Ah.. Better.
(image from photo by Kathy Willens)
So Weiner, out in the news, again. Didn't we do this dance (yes?) Didn't I already write this post? (pretty much) So with as little humility and modesty as our attempted Weiner of a Mayor I'm reposting everything I wrote already last May about this Weiner attempting to act as if his character flaws aren't present or an issue.
Because as the Weiner is attempting to demonstrate, Phoning it in has become status quo for many. (and keep that song going, "...round and round, round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows...")
Click the image or this link for the original unwanted weiner post.