DOUGH!! Bed-Stuy's crown seat of fried confectionary delight is cram-packed with shoppers at of 6:50pm. It could be their delicious multi-optioned namesake doughnuts or it could be that today is national doughnut day (really?) it it could be their in-store sweepstakes offering the winner 4 free doughnuts for a year.
It's all three. Even actions of tropical God do not deter the faithful, as attested by the soaked-to-the-bone masses, pictured below.
Yesterday I spotted their delivery van far from its Lafayette ave home, and in taking that as some sort of good omen.
Dough is open until 9 tonight when entries for the sweepstakes end, so come down and see if you can live out the Homeric Dream.
1 hour ago
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