I wasn't sure but then checked and found, yep, in addition to starring in Mean Streets, Reservoir Dogs, The Bad Lieutenant..etc, Harvey is also Brooklyn Born. And in a dweebish bit of trivia, Harvey attended Lincoln HS out near Coney Island, which is one of several NYC High Schools built with the design seen here.
There's a great story that goes with this photo, suffice it to say he's cooler than all his roles and quick to give a pound. I won't be telling where or what they're shooting cause if you really care you'll sniff it out. But don't look to gawker for help, despite their stalker m.o. their map shows they don't mean streets outside a' Manhattan.
Unfortunately photo-wise all you get from me is Harvey's back, thanks to my none zooming iPhone. If you squint you can barely make out the groovy silver shoes Harv'was rocking.
Yeh the wide shot is unfortunate but I couldn't go rank amateur with Mr. Wolf by shovin a camera in his mug.